Terrie Adams, Special Assistant, has worked in the Kent State University College of Nursing Graduate Programs office for nearly 13 years. She came to Kent State in 2009 when her previous employer moved its corporate office to Kansas City. “My ties were here, so I looked for a place where I would be proud to work,” Adams recalled. “Kent State University was that place!”

In her role, Adams works closely with prospective and current graduate nursing students. These individuals may be actively pursuing their BSN or are MSN graduates looking to further their nursing careers.

“I answer questions about our graduate programs and the practicum, the process of transferring credits, and conduct informational webinars,” Adams said. “I am always looking to make nurses aware of the benefits of Kent State’s program.” 

Once a student is enrolled in a graduate nursing program at Kent State, Adams is there to provide administrative assistance. “I have worked with students who, due to personal reasons, decided to change their program. Others have come needing education verifications for state licensure,” Adams explained. “I’m happy to assist students with these and other administrative needs associated with earning their degrees.”

Adams’ favorite thing about working at Kent State hands down is the students. “Our students are out providing care in our communities. They endure heartache and the happiest of times in a matter of minutes. They are true heroes,” Adams remarked. “I love to help people and am happy I can help to take some responsibility off their plates.” 

Please visit the following helpful links to learn more about Kent State University College of Nursing’s Graduate Programs.