by Mariah Gibbons | Aug 30, 2021 | Testimonials
From a young age, alumna Heather M. Bevan, MSN ‘20, RN, knew she wanted to join the nursing profession to make a difference in the world. Much of her motivation stemmed from an unfortunate experience a family member encountered in the healthcare system. “Witnessing...
by Mariah Gibbons | Jun 25, 2021 | Alumni Feature, Interviews, Testimonials
Alumnus Nicholas Naugle BSN ‘04, RN, CNOR, knew a graduate degree would help him continue to advance his career. Upon choosing to enroll in Kent State University College of Nursing’s Master’s Degree in Nursing Administration & Health Systems Leadership, Naugle...
by Mariah Gibbons | May 19, 2021 | Testimonials
Today we are joined by alumna Amy LePard, MSN ‘20, RN, RNC-OB, who graduated with her master’s in nursing from the Nurse Educator concentration in May 2020. Q: Hi Amy. Thank you for joining us today! Let’s dive into your story with an easy question, why you want to...
by Mariah Gibbons | Mar 11, 2021 | Alumni Feature, Interviews, Testimonials, Undeniably Kent State
Emily Klusty, BSN ’20, CCRN Emily Klusty, BSN ‘20, CCRN, realized early in life helping others brought her true joy. Upon entering the nursing profession, she discovered many diverse career paths lay ahead. A dream to one day advance within her career, receive a...
by Mariah Gibbons | Jan 8, 2021 | Alumni Feature, Come Home, Interviews, Testimonials
Two-time Kent State University College of Nursing alumna Wendy L. Sarver, Ph.D. ’19, MSN ’13, RN, NEA-BC, has worked for more than ten years in the MetroHealth Department of Nursing Research where she is currently the Director of Nursing Research. Her role oversees...